Supporting Community engagement journalism across public media. 

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We’ve updated our playbook with the new guides and ideas for engaging in 2023 plus new case studies from our most recent America Amplified stations.

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  • How journalists can learn from the cultural history of “deep listening”

    In community engagement journalism, we use “deep listening” as a way to connect with people in our communities on a more empathetic level. It is a different kind of listening than what we, as journalists, are used to. Instead of listening for a story, we're listening for understanding. Making that change is easier said than done.

  • How GBH is Showcasing Gen Z in Political Conversations

    GBH in Boston has launched a YouTube Video series called "Politics IRL," featuring GenZ individuals talking politics and passions. The station is hoping the series will reach younger audiences who don't automatically go to GBH for their political news.

  • Get Our Newsletter

    Sign up for our newsletter ‘The Amplifier’ community engagement journalism tips, insights and updates as stations' projects unfold for America Amplified 2.0.

All over the country, public media stations are innovating in the ways they engage with their communities. We want to celebrate some of these successes – some of which America Amplified has supported, and many others which have inspired us to do more, take risks, and try new things! Read more.

Topical Tips from America Amplified Stations

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We’ve gathered some of the most important lessons of community engagement efforts from practitioners in the field.

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